Here you can see nearly all of my work from the past 7-8 years. Few of those applications are already released and some may get released eventually. Most will be released as a celebration of a certain suporter count milestone or if needed, after a fixed donation in which case I'll have to temporarily put on hold the work over the main project - Game-Editor,
tailor it a little and then release it.
* For active maintenance or open sourcing one would have to contact me privately for further discussion though.
A game designed to be just fun, but ended up slightly too addicting.
Big update on 10 supporters!
New graphics, full screen, red ball elasticity...
Smart nickname generator that also lets you make a cool snapshot.
I can a keyword of your choice for each donation of 1$
A clipboard manager and a queue with some neat features.
I'll open source it if someone wants to help porting it to Linux
A powerful library that automatically creates or loads settings from a file to a structure.
I'll release it on the 7th supporter or a 30$ private donation.
Automatically generate settings GUI with GTK+ and myFILEIO + Neat features.
I'll release it on the 11th supporter or a 90$ private donation.
Port forwarding diagnostic tool. Scan 1000 ports in 10 seconds.
I'll release it on the 9th supporter or a 75$ private donation.
Another automation tool designed to facilitate development in GTK+ by automatically retrieving all the widgets from a GLADE XML.
I'll release it on the 8th supporter or a 50$ private donation.
P2P Chat app designed to be ridiculously secure. The safest corporate communication tool internet can offer.
I'll release it on the 100th supporter or sell it for 10,000$ (contact me for more info.)
The allocator that I programmed for Chat. The memory it allocates is locked, encrypted and scattered everywhere. Never leaks. Re-entrancy signals self-destruction.
Only /w Chat.
Full-duplex E2EE communication protocol with bandwidth throttling, synallagmatic handshake, integral obfuscator...
Only /w Chat
AutoTools: AI2 does many things on multiple images at once, including spritesheet packing. It can also animate static images.
Release on 13th supporter or 125$ dono
A complete Integrated Development Environment for the C programming language with some unique features.
Release on 15th supporter or 150$ dono
GNOME C-Interpreter is a C99-Compatible interpreter based on GCC. It is currently in active development and will be used in Game-Editor 2 once completed. It will be released publicly afterwards.
Powerful parsing library with numerous lexical, syntactic, and semantic features where each function call requires only a single parameter.
Release on 20th supporter or 200$ dono
Live GNOME C-Interpreter GUI tester written in Object Pascal. The screenshot you see here demonstrates real time code processing and is pretty fast in doing so. It will be released alongside GCI